sohana | Anyallergyfood Tue, 14 Sep 2021 14:36:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 sohana | Anyallergyfood 32 32 Welcome Tue, 14 Sep 2021 14:36:50 +0000 I am so excited to start sharing recipes with you. Technology unfortunately seems to be slowing me down rather  than helping. Sorry for that- and hope you will follow me on that journey anyway. I decided to do it myself and use the online resources through youtube, google and various online articles to get started. Little things such as- how to build the navigation menu, how to add recipes etc.. are more challenging than i expected, so bear with me please and i promise that i will share my love of good food- spices and color even for the allergy kitchen.

Lesson learned this week: flu and baking makes happy birds Tue, 14 Sep 2021 14:35:47 +0000 I learned a new lesson this week:

You see, I get energetic, when I get high fever. Do you remember that old commercial with the pink bunny and the batteries? That’s me with a fever. I can not be in my bed, dozing and reading.

This weekend, i was raking leaves, washing, ironing and yes, attempting to bake 2 of my favorite breads for this site, all with a red cheeks and flu. And obviously something went wrong, as it will when you are scatterbrained when baking, (which i am not the best at any day). The sourdough was flat and the bread turned hard as stone. The other, my spiced butternut squash bread was dry and crumbled, when it came out of the oven. It made for very happy birds and me feeling silly, so the recipes and picture will wait another week.

Wheat free Gnocci? Tue, 14 Sep 2021 14:34:21 +0000 This week, i tried for wheat free Gnocci- well for the second time. I finally took advice from an Italian friend before this my second attempt- 3 eggs to 900 g potatoes and 300 g corn flour- a bit of salt. well i am sure it’s the potatoes and the lack of cultural knowledge, so i will find more people to help- and maybe someone to show me- locally. They tasted good, but as my husband said- they look sort of funny. That was an understatement- they looked lumpy and big, but the taste when mixed with some fried sage- really good. The recipe is still included, but really- take my word for it- it is much harder than you think to make Gnocci.

Reading food labels- don’t forget Tue, 14 Sep 2021 14:33:17 +0000 I do not often use bacon because of the histamines, BUT once in a while for a good winter and venison pasta dish it adds a certain something. Yesterday was just such a day and not reading the label- I had really bad reaction! What is E250, E252 and E316 doing in a simple box of bacon? So i am once again reminded to read the labels and stay away from things, I just do not understand. This is one of them!

The story of a logo Tue, 14 Sep 2021 14:31:17 +0000 This logo has my story: I love reality spiced with the absurd and I just had this picture in my head with the saying – ‘and pigs can fly too’- but i did not want a pig as my logo. I do want the food to have wings to fly despite my allergies. The apple, which helps the doctor go away- unless you have IBS- then it can be the apple flying away and not the doctor… I wanted food and wings to make my dreams fly with something you will remember.

Friendly, whimsical and inviting- and about food. So i hope you like it.

Happy any food allergy friendly Christmas Tue, 14 Sep 2021 14:30:13 +0000 I find it hard every year to not become a food Grinch for Christmas and yet avoid allergy attacks. Where we celebrate, changing the general menu is a no-go, so I am baking additional bread today and bringing a few of my go-to recipes, which I will share over the coming week. So watch this space for a tasty red cabbage slaw, the lactose free rice porridge with cinnamon and the FODMAP friendly cookies. Whatever your traditions and however you celebrate- my best wishes.

Happy New Healthy Year Tue, 14 Sep 2021 14:28:13 +0000 As we are heading for 2019, I am spending some of my day preparing food for tonight- inclusive something i do not eat- but my family love. Not everyone’s taste, but they did turn out great- pork scratchings. Made from the fresh pork rind brought from Denmark. Not everything has to be  healthy- and some salt is good for tomorrow, I am sure.

I am hoping to see you also in 2019 and that we grow this network (and loads of other wishes for the coming year 2019 besides). But for now for you and your family: Happy New Year 2019- may it be a great one.

It’s cold outside- time for comfort food Tue, 14 Sep 2021 14:26:29 +0000 Now we are hitting February with snow and cold all over the world. In my little world it’s been a week with Mary Poppins in the cinema ( Go see it: It is a great movie- the music, the hope and it is hitting that perfect balance of touching you without getting sappy and it is definitely not a remake- it’s a second story). I also started 2 new projects for work and therefore I have done less cooking this week. So, now it’s time for Friday comfort food- Risotto, Rice Biryana or fried rice. Any of them works as comfort food in our house. Today it’s risotto, but with chicken, shrimp, a bit of turmeric and some coriander. Allergy friendly all the way. Bon Appetit and enjoy your weekend.

Histamine overload- is that a ‘thing’? Tue, 14 Sep 2021 14:25:04 +0000 Over the past few weeks, I have had to dig into the subject of histamine overload again. It is not an allergy, but I started looking into a few  of my January comfort eats and the histamines – and though it is definitely not the same for everyone, Salty liquorice, tomatoes and a few E-numbers seems to set me off badly. The first thing to go was the liquorice and immediately the itching got less. We will see if that lasts.

I will definitely share my experiences and if you know more, please also add your comments and ideas.

Is it a normal winter- issue for people with various  allergies because of the temperatures, cold season, hormones or maybe not at all? I am wondering.

Migration geese a sign of spring? Tue, 14 Sep 2021 14:23:14 +0000 We got the most perfect early spring day yesterday and in the middle of the day a huge flock of migrating geese passed our garden. Such a sign of the start of Spring, so I immediately started thinking salads, shorts, lemon and lighter dishes. Can’t wait to plan, though i do know that we can still get snow and ice, but dreaming never hurt anyone. Enjoy your weekend- and remember: Don’t sweat the small stuff, suddenly it’s too late.
